Saturday 30 April 2011

First Review: Star Trek (2009)

Reece says:
I am going to start by saying how excited I am to be starting this blog :) I really do love being with Tara so much, she is my World... love you babe, am byth! Anyway got that bit out of the way, now to let you know whether Star Trek should be respected or dejected. Well I can say that when I heard Star Trek was being rebooted the age old Trekkie inside me cringed! Now there is a but and this is the biggest but I have lobbed into a sentence for a while the film turned out to be absolutely brilliant :) Star Trek is one of the best reboots I have seen in so long, it breathed the life into a wrinkly old franchise that desperately needed a face lift.

I am sure that many die hard fans would be disappointed with the creation of an alternate reality that this take on the original series uses but I think it was genius, it allows the franchise to wander off in a new direction. Now where to start complimenting next, the story is great it was Star Wars epic with a good mix of classic Star Trekness chucked in. The CGI and new sets (especially the take on the bridge of the Enterprise) made a beautiful film to watch, it really helped to transform Star Trek from cheap Sci-Fi to a main stream blockbuster. Lets be honest who doesn't love to watch a starship be ripped to shreds in incredible realistic detail! The cast were brilliant with some really good casting and acting, I loved Simon Pegg's appearance as Scotty mainly because it's nice to see Brits in Hollywood. This film definitely left me with an urge I hadn't had for years and that was to pick up a tricorder, phaser and the keys to a starship and go warp round the universe (like the nerd I used to be).

All in all Star Trek (2009) easily relaunches Star Trek in my eyes back up to the peak of great sci-fi franchises. Star Wars and the millennium falcon watch out because the Enterprise is hot on your heels. All I can say is I know Star Trek 2 is in the pipeline... can't wait, definitely a film I'll be trekking out to watch.. verdict: damn good. 

Curious to see what Tara has to say considering she fell asleep at the end, so the last few scenes (which looked good) lacked sound due to some heavy snoring.

Reece's Rating:
Hot-Diggidy-Dog what a reboot :D

Tara says:
Okay, so this wasn't my choice of what film to watch last night, but I said I wouldn't complain until after I'd watched what ever Reece actually picked. Turns out he wanted to watch the one film that I didn't really want to watch from his collection, which was probably why he picked to watch it. Having not watched any full episode of the Star Trek series, I didn't really know what this film was going to be like... I heard people used to really follow star trek.. Trekkies were they called? and knew some weird language? and I remember constantly trying to do that thing where you separate your fingers in the middle, but failing badly. 

Anyway back to the film and the opening sequence. I had no idea who the characters were, from who died at the start to who was having a baby, so I was constantly annoying my hardcore trekkie fan boyfriend who was who, and what was actually happening because all I knew was the fact they were on a spaceship and there were people and aliens in strange jumpers. 

The film for me actually looked good when James or Jim Kirk raced a cop down a long deserted road in his dads classic car, and the fact he almost died off the edge of the cliff. Everything seemed to confuse me, like what was spock? and why couldn't they show any emotion? who were the evil people that kept killing everyone and placing black holes in worlds.... how does this fit in with the series? did trekkie fans actually like the fact Hollywood had taken their beloved series and changed it around a bit? 

There were some parts I liked, despite falling to sleep. Like seeing the actor that had played Spock his whole life make an appearance in the movie and I liked the relationship between the new Spock and Jim/James Kirk.... BUT I did fall asleep half way through the film (I think) ... maybe because I was tired or maybe because I just didn't understand the whole thing. Maybe if I watched it again I would think differently. 

Tara's Rating:
I can't speak Klingon

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