Saturday 16 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Reece says:

So this time yesterday I was booking tickets for the last installment of Harry Potter and I am kind of sad that I sit here and it is all over :( Tara and I decided that we had to see it in 3D so we traveled all the way from Aberystswyth to Shrewsbury (about an hour and a half) to see a 10pm 3D screening of the last Harry Potter film. For the first time I was really looking forward to a Harry Potter film and in mine and Tara's excitement we bought the Harry Potter style 3D glasses (we are to cool). After standing in the queue for ages to get a good seat we could not wait for the film to start. Going off track for a second there was,a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises trailer which was wicked and really added to my buzz.

So after all the excitement and buying myself and Tara the special 3D glasses was it worth it... YES... HELL YES! It was bloody brilliant, its like they stepped it up for the end. The film felt far more epic than the previous installments and the action and story had such a good fast pace that it kept me completely gripped. One section of the film that stands out is the battle of Hogwarts which was just crackerlacking! Though saying that the whole film was filled with brilliant pieces if cinema like the Gringotts scene... though I could just go on and on pretty much mentioning every scene. The acting was brilliant, Tara and I both think that Voldermort was just perfect and his battle with Harry was just cinema magic (excuse the pun). I could just go and on and on about this film and really everyone should see it because it is just awesome. As I wrap this up it is really sad to think this is the end of an era an era that started back when i was in primary school (10 years old) and now at 22 it is all over. Sad times but ow what an ending, hold onto your robes because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 won't just blow your socks off, it will easily blow your entire wardrobe off!

Reece's rating:
An epic end to an era!
Tara says:

WHAT AN ENDING! Harry Potter, Part Two is one of the best films I have seen this year. Definitely a must see... all the actors and actresses playing their parts as they have been doing for the past so many years have pulled it off. Even Daniel Radcliffe (who I despise as an actor) pulled it off and gave Harry Potter the ending it deserved. I laughed, I cried I didn't want this to be the final but I couldn't think of a better way to end the series of films which I have followed as a child- teenager and now adult... It has been part of my life. I mean I even went out and bought a Harry Potter wand, which wasn't exactly cheap AND I made Reece buy us the Harry Potter 3D glasses. I am a Harry Potter fan, more about the books than the films but still this last film finally did the book justice in my eyes. 

The only part I cringed at was the ending when they had all grown up, got married had children. The 3 main actors looked exactly the same, I don't even think they changed Hermione at all. It sort of looked wrong and kind of cheesy especially their children's names... little bit over that line, even in the book I thought it was unnecessary, but meh... if J.K.Rowlings wants it then she can have it in. Maybe it was a happier ending that it still lives on even without Harry Potter. Still gives children hope that one day they will get their acceptance letter to Hogwarts :P 

Anyway back to the film, they didn't really dwell on the sad bits as much as they did in the books, like Fred, Lupin and Tonks dying. I knew I would be crying at that part but the director didn't really give anyone chance too because something else happened... I mean Harry didn't even look upset. I loved the bit about Snape and Harrys mum Lilly... How they grew up together and drifted apart but he still loved her, he always had.... and we still don't know if Snape was Harry's dad or not... His patronus charm was a doe as well as lilly's but Harry's is a stag as I thought James was,,,,, ah well I suppose she wanted us to think about it for ourselves. 

Wow realised how nerdy I sound... so I'm off to do something less nerdy :P ooo almost forgot Neville in this film is my hero, love him so much, makes me laugh and ends up saving part of the day.

Tara's rating:

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