Friday 8 July 2011

No Strings Attached (2011)

Reece says:

Haha well no strings attached, well were to start um it was actually quite good. There is alot of sexual scenes between Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman which kept lifting my attention to the TV. It was a genuinely funny amongst all the sex scenes and there was quite a nice love story buried beneath the sheets which I believe addresses a relevant occurrence in the life of the current generation. It really did ask questions about distinguishing between the feelings of being in a relationship and a one night stand.

Anyway the acting was good I mean they both obviously get loads of sex because the sex scenes were very realistic JOKING! Anyway as I was saying the acting from Natalie Portman was brilliant as always but after Black Swan does not need to prove herself, it felt like she had gone for a film to have a bit of fun after the intensity of Black swan. Ashton Kutcher was good as always, though I still see him as the guy from Punk’d and not an actor but still. I am in the car right now waiting for Tara after work and she has just got in the car so to round it off briefly: Lots of sex buried the story line but girls can watch this with their boyfriends and the guys will not get bored. 

Reece's rating:
Shamefully I enjoyed this film, more story focus needed.
Tara says:

I liked this film, I felt it did capture what some friendships are like in this day and age. I felt the lead actors were very well chosen for their roles in this film and I loved everything about the characters lives and how different they were to one another. I sometimes felt that the story lacked a few things but I'm not sure what... just something. There is LOADS of sex in it, which makes me sound old but when its almost every scene in different places the story doesn't move on, but I suppose you get the characters relationship or lack of it.

Parts were funny and I did laugh a lot because this is a feel good film, showing us opposites attract. I felt Natalie Portman, amazing actress, played her character well as I've never really seen her in anything like this film before. She played a nice, educated woman who was scared of being in a relationship or more so in love with someone. Ashton Kutcher, played a young man who becomes rich through his dad although he tries to make it on his own with his own scripts. The only part I didn't like in this film was the character that was Kutcher's father, he annoyed me and I found it creepy that all of his ex girlfriends would then go and sleep with his father :/ ah well. 
Even though I bought this DVD because of the two main actors, I'm probably going to sell it and not watch it again unless it comes on to the TV and there is nothing else on :P

Tara's rating:

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