Saturday 2 July 2011

Little Fockers (2010)

Tara says: 

After watching 'Meet the Parents' and 'Meet the Fockers' and loving them.... this one didn't really stand out. I really didn't want them to ruin it and make another 'Meet the....' film. I felt this one was the weakest of the three and to be honest I'm not really sure why because the set up for the Fockers children could have been a good classic film and fit well with the other two but it didn't get the chance too. I felt that we all knew Jack and Greg a bit too much and some things the audience knew what was actually going to happen. 

It felt as though they were trying to hard to make it funnier, I didn't like Andi Garcia played by Jessica Alba, it seemed as though she didn't want anything but Greg and there was no real reason. The children were good actors BUT still they didn't really have much about them even though the title was based on them AND why are they different sizes if they are twins?! does that actually happen or is that just the director being lazy. One of the things I loved was the fact the daughter was exactly like Jack and the son was like Greg and they were twins, they shared something; which was what the main characters did. 

I suppose some moments were funny, like the stupid questions their son asked and there was some cringe moments with the injection in the bathroom (watch it to find out more). It is worth a watch but don't expect as much as you saw with the last two films.

Tara's rating: 

Reece says:

I have always been a fan of the Meet the Parents series, they have always been like a guilty pleasure. It is nice every so often to sit back and enjoy a film where the story is not complicated and enjoy the humour. I was kind of quietly looking forward to watching this so I bought it for my Mum for her birthday in the hope that when she had watched I may borrow it. This I did and when Mum gave it to me I asked ‘how was it?’ she replied ‘good’ and she was right it was just good.

Little Fockers had some truly hilarious moments in it, one particular moment that springs to mind being the fight in the ball pool. Though there were only a few stand out moments, the film appeared to be a bit desperate in humour. They took alot of the power and stance from De Niro’s character in order to add to the laughs which kind of ruined the character balance between him and Ben Stiller’s character. It was a bit disappointing that they did not use the children more often for humour in the film as the title would lead you to believe that the plot would revolve around them. Instead it revolves again around the two main male characters with Stiller’s character taking over from De Niro’s as the ‘God Focker’. To be fair this film was not the worst and was a definite recovery from Meet the Fockers which was deeply average. So all in all Little Fockers was just too bitty and all over the place and just did not focus on what it said on the tin. It was not the best in the series but not the worst so I really hope that Meet the Parents has met the end for the sake of not ruining the franchise.

Reece's rating:

Deserved 2 stars but couldn't find the picture!

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