Saturday 2 July 2011

Tangled (2010)

Tara says:

LOVE this film :) I laughed, I cried, I completely and utterly fell in love with the characters that I wanted to watch it over and over again. It is based on the fairytale of Rapunzel... but with a twist that starts off with a magical flower. This flower healing and making people younger, the queen one day suddenly became ill and the king goes in search for this golden flower to save his wifes life. He finds it and takes it back to the castle and use it, what they don't know is that an old witch has been using the flower to stay young and alive... The princess is born with beautiful blonde hair, and lanterns are sent into the sky in a celebration. On the eve of that night the witch goes into the castle and sings the magically spell to make her young again to the princess holding on to her hair as she does it... only to find when she cuts it it turns brown and the magic no longer works. In rage she takes the baby and flees the castle, leaving the King and Queen at a loss... every year on her birthday and the day she was taken the King and Queen send out the lanterns in hope their Daughter will find her way home.

The rest of the story is Rapunzel trying to find out who she is, with the help of some friends one being the kingdoms most wanted criminal. The witch, Gothel, Rapunzel thinks is her mother and won't let Rapunzel leave the tower she has trapped her in. Rapunzel paints the walls, cleans the tower, brushes her hair... but all the time she wants to go out and see the lanterns that fly out into the sky on her birthday. It is a very cute story with added bits of humour and when she does eventually see the lanterns I was in floods of tears because she made it. Even towards the end I had no idea what was going to happen next and I few things shocked me, but once again with every Disney film there is a perfect happily ever after :') It even made me want a little iguana ha.  

Tara's rating: 

So cute :)
Reece says:

Tangled; well it is another Disney film and I do not know how they do it but very film that Disney does seems to be gold dust. Now do not get me wrong I liked Tangled but unlike Tara I did not love it... it just kind of passed me by. For me there has not been a great Disney film since my childhood and films like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast etc etc. I have read back the piece I have just wrote and Tara’s review and I am going to watch it again before I finish this paragraph... to the TV!

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