Saturday 16 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Reece says:

So this time yesterday I was booking tickets for the last installment of Harry Potter and I am kind of sad that I sit here and it is all over :( Tara and I decided that we had to see it in 3D so we traveled all the way from Aberystswyth to Shrewsbury (about an hour and a half) to see a 10pm 3D screening of the last Harry Potter film. For the first time I was really looking forward to a Harry Potter film and in mine and Tara's excitement we bought the Harry Potter style 3D glasses (we are to cool). After standing in the queue for ages to get a good seat we could not wait for the film to start. Going off track for a second there was,a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises trailer which was wicked and really added to my buzz.

So after all the excitement and buying myself and Tara the special 3D glasses was it worth it... YES... HELL YES! It was bloody brilliant, its like they stepped it up for the end. The film felt far more epic than the previous installments and the action and story had such a good fast pace that it kept me completely gripped. One section of the film that stands out is the battle of Hogwarts which was just crackerlacking! Though saying that the whole film was filled with brilliant pieces if cinema like the Gringotts scene... though I could just go on and on pretty much mentioning every scene. The acting was brilliant, Tara and I both think that Voldermort was just perfect and his battle with Harry was just cinema magic (excuse the pun). I could just go and on and on about this film and really everyone should see it because it is just awesome. As I wrap this up it is really sad to think this is the end of an era an era that started back when i was in primary school (10 years old) and now at 22 it is all over. Sad times but ow what an ending, hold onto your robes because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 won't just blow your socks off, it will easily blow your entire wardrobe off!

Reece's rating:
An epic end to an era!
Tara says:

WHAT AN ENDING! Harry Potter, Part Two is one of the best films I have seen this year. Definitely a must see... all the actors and actresses playing their parts as they have been doing for the past so many years have pulled it off. Even Daniel Radcliffe (who I despise as an actor) pulled it off and gave Harry Potter the ending it deserved. I laughed, I cried I didn't want this to be the final but I couldn't think of a better way to end the series of films which I have followed as a child- teenager and now adult... It has been part of my life. I mean I even went out and bought a Harry Potter wand, which wasn't exactly cheap AND I made Reece buy us the Harry Potter 3D glasses. I am a Harry Potter fan, more about the books than the films but still this last film finally did the book justice in my eyes. 

The only part I cringed at was the ending when they had all grown up, got married had children. The 3 main actors looked exactly the same, I don't even think they changed Hermione at all. It sort of looked wrong and kind of cheesy especially their children's names... little bit over that line, even in the book I thought it was unnecessary, but meh... if J.K.Rowlings wants it then she can have it in. Maybe it was a happier ending that it still lives on even without Harry Potter. Still gives children hope that one day they will get their acceptance letter to Hogwarts :P 

Anyway back to the film, they didn't really dwell on the sad bits as much as they did in the books, like Fred, Lupin and Tonks dying. I knew I would be crying at that part but the director didn't really give anyone chance too because something else happened... I mean Harry didn't even look upset. I loved the bit about Snape and Harrys mum Lilly... How they grew up together and drifted apart but he still loved her, he always had.... and we still don't know if Snape was Harry's dad or not... His patronus charm was a doe as well as lilly's but Harry's is a stag as I thought James was,,,,, ah well I suppose she wanted us to think about it for ourselves. 

Wow realised how nerdy I sound... so I'm off to do something less nerdy :P ooo almost forgot Neville in this film is my hero, love him so much, makes me laugh and ends up saving part of the day.

Tara's rating:

X Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Reece says:

I am a fan of the X Men franchise, along with others I think X Men is one of the great comic book to screen adaptions. The trilogy before this film was really good with some great mutant filled action that would usually leave me wishing I had some cool mutant power and one that I really would not mind is Wolverine's. I think that the only origins style film they could have done was Wolverine as he was/is such a stand out X Men character played by the brilliant Hugh Jackman who was a brilliant piece of casting.

So was X Men Origins Wolverine any good? Well yes, first off they had a great main ingredient in Wolverine and secondly a good story line to go with it. Tara said to me that there were not enough mutants in it but you have to remember this is pre Charles Xavier and the X Men, before mutants became a focus/noticed by the public. I really enjoyed the story with the battle between Wolverine and his brother, with this the reasons for him becoming the metal riddled mutant he is.It was also nice to see briefly both a young Cyclops and Charles Xavier which gave the film a larger endorsement from the already present X men franchise. The film contains some truely staggering mutant battle scenes with some brilliant CGI. So all in all X Men is a brilliant addition to the X Men movie series and for me definitely better than one or two of the films in the already standing trilogy.

Reece's rating:
Cracking prequel

Tara says:

For some unknown reason I had been putting watching this film off... I didn't know if it was going to wreck the x-men films as I've loved them all or make it better. I felt that it was good, not amazing but just good. It did have me hooked and we got to see mutants before they were in xavier's school we even caught a glimpse of cyclops as a young boy which was good. 

I did like the fact that this film was purely based on Wolverine who is, in my opinion, the best xmen... I mean come on its Hugh Jackman, who is an amazing actor and extremely good looking. Anyway... moving on. I do like this film, although I did find something confusing... I mean what happened to Logans brother? what happened to the weird mutant that they made? There were just so many questions and I know the next film won't answer it because the new film is based even before this. Hmmm. Reece is right, I did say that there weren't enough mutants and thats what I like about x-men, that every single one has a unique talent and we get to see it, in this it was briefly touched upon I think when one girl was bullet proof, and her sister could persuade people to do what she said and they would. I'm not going to say much more because I don't remember the rest, I'm just looking forward to the next film now :)

Tara's rating:

Friday 8 July 2011

No Strings Attached (2011)

Reece says:

Haha well no strings attached, well were to start um it was actually quite good. There is alot of sexual scenes between Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman which kept lifting my attention to the TV. It was a genuinely funny amongst all the sex scenes and there was quite a nice love story buried beneath the sheets which I believe addresses a relevant occurrence in the life of the current generation. It really did ask questions about distinguishing between the feelings of being in a relationship and a one night stand.

Anyway the acting was good I mean they both obviously get loads of sex because the sex scenes were very realistic JOKING! Anyway as I was saying the acting from Natalie Portman was brilliant as always but after Black Swan does not need to prove herself, it felt like she had gone for a film to have a bit of fun after the intensity of Black swan. Ashton Kutcher was good as always, though I still see him as the guy from Punk’d and not an actor but still. I am in the car right now waiting for Tara after work and she has just got in the car so to round it off briefly: Lots of sex buried the story line but girls can watch this with their boyfriends and the guys will not get bored. 

Reece's rating:
Shamefully I enjoyed this film, more story focus needed.
Tara says:

I liked this film, I felt it did capture what some friendships are like in this day and age. I felt the lead actors were very well chosen for their roles in this film and I loved everything about the characters lives and how different they were to one another. I sometimes felt that the story lacked a few things but I'm not sure what... just something. There is LOADS of sex in it, which makes me sound old but when its almost every scene in different places the story doesn't move on, but I suppose you get the characters relationship or lack of it.

Parts were funny and I did laugh a lot because this is a feel good film, showing us opposites attract. I felt Natalie Portman, amazing actress, played her character well as I've never really seen her in anything like this film before. She played a nice, educated woman who was scared of being in a relationship or more so in love with someone. Ashton Kutcher, played a young man who becomes rich through his dad although he tries to make it on his own with his own scripts. The only part I didn't like in this film was the character that was Kutcher's father, he annoyed me and I found it creepy that all of his ex girlfriends would then go and sleep with his father :/ ah well. 
Even though I bought this DVD because of the two main actors, I'm probably going to sell it and not watch it again unless it comes on to the TV and there is nothing else on :P

Tara's rating:

The Next Three Days (2010)

Reece Says:

The Next Two paragraphs should sum this up pretty well... sorry bad play on words there. So The Next Three Days, I remember this being released in the cinema and thinking I need to go and see this but I never did. So when I saw this in this shops I didn’t hesitate to buy it, I am a fan of Russel Crowe and really hoped this lower budget film were be far better than Robin Hood (big letdown). So a brief synopsis is that Russel Crowe’s wife in this film is put into a prison for a murder she seemingly didn’t commit. With his wife suicidal Crowe attempts to break his wife out of prison and escape.

Now when we came to watch this myself and Tara had just finished watching all four series of the fantastic Prison Break (incredible show well worth a watch). So we had just watched a very well planned and thought out show about someone breaking out of prison, meaning the next three days had a big boot to fill! Well I’ll be honest the film is good, very very well thought out and so it was never in any way farfetched. Russell Crowe really made a step up in this film from Robin Hood and it really gets you gripped with lots of meaty twists and turns that have you guessing and willing the characters on. There was just one thing wrong and that was at the end of the film Tara and I looked at one another and we both felt that it felt like it lacked a climax in the escape, like a big decision or major drama. There was none of that and in a way the film is very modest but if it had a bit more danger/drama during the escape it would have been epic. So The Next Three Days is a great film but just lacks a little drama where they could have crammed a bit more in at times, definitely worth a watch if you like Prison Break.

Reece's rating:
Loving Prison theme TV entertainment at the moment : )
Tara says:

The Next Three Days is a good film, it focus on one husbands love for his wife. Oh and also there is a prison break, a death, a fast paced run...... etc. It is a beautiful film, a women gets wrongly accused of killing her boss and is sent to prison for life, leaving her husband to look after their son. Russel Crowe plays his character very well and goes to ultimate lengths to get his wife out of prison by going to lawyers and then taking matters into his own hands. 

This film makes it look possible for somebody to break someone out of prison, the way he breaks her out looks so easy, but its what he does up until that point that is the big part of the film. Looking up what his family will need once they leave America...

I was currently on the edge of my seat wandering what would happen next, I like that fact that director has used things that anybody could find, like how to make a key to fit any door and how to open a van door, just by the use of you tube, it makes you wander some times how many times that you tube video has been viewed and how many of those types of videos work. I liked that fact they had to change identity and also had to blend in with the crowds and everything had to be well planned out. Very interesting film and good take on a prison break from what it does to somebody on the inside as well as what it does to the family on the outside. Would watch again :)

Tara's rating:

Thursday 7 July 2011

Hangover: Part II (2011)

Reece says:

When I heard that there was going to be a Hangover sequel I got so excited that I checked every day for the first trailer release and when it finally came it did not disappoint. Then along came the film and a standard trip to the cinema with my beautiful girlfriend was in order. As we sat in the cinema waiting for the film we both wondered the same thing could they really do a sequel that was going to be as unique and un predictably hilarious like the first?

The answer is Yes!... and no, well kind of no... let me explain. Firstly the positives; the hangover part II manages to be pretty much completely unique in terms of your never quite sure what is going to happen next and I think that is due to the setting (Bangkok) which alters the dynamics slightly, it allows for different jokes. One thing that I have to mention is the film opening which is similar to the first with Phil on the phone saying ‘It’s happened again’, I really made me excited to watch the rest of the film. There are some really original jokes in the film though there are also so recycled ones which are slightly altered sure one or two of them were worth recycling the others just were old. Whilst I am touching on the negative side I may aswell bring forth the negative aspects there are only two that I can think of:

1)   The setting: Bangkok was a very sinister setting which made things seem a little dangerous and scary rather than funny.
2)      Mr Chu: Yes he re-appears and from the outset he is annoying, granted funny in the 1st film but a bit recycled and crappy for the second. (and is it me or does is Chinese accent sound false in this film).

Those are the only negative points that come to mind which says loads for the film. So I’ll wrap it up now so you can get out there and go and watch the Hangover Part II because you should it is truly hilarious. A funny summer film well worth watching, please let them risk a Part III!

Reece's rating:
Hilarious, hope I never have a hangover in Bangkok 
     Tara says:
     Hangover Part II, funny, but not good as the first by far. I felt it lacked comedy that the first film had and gained a more dangerous side to it. I think that fact it was set in Bangkok gave the film that edgy feeling and kept you on your seat unknown to what might happen next, I mean Mr.Chow 'died' more or less at the start of the film which I didn't expect at all. Then to find afterwards he's alive and becomes the annoying character that perhaps should have stayed with the first film.

     The film was again based around a wedding and a stag do that went wrong, this time Doug wasn't the guy getting married and ending up lost, he stayed out of the film once again but this time safe and sound. The same can not be said for Stu's bride to be's brother, who is the one missing after their night out. Before even watching the film I was unsure how they were going to be able to make another film along the same lines but without it being identical. 

     Okay so without comparing it to the first Hangover which I loved it had some funny moments. The monkey I thought was a good addition to the film and gave a sad moment with Alan when the monkey got shot. All in all I would watch it again... maybe :P

     Tara's rating:

Saturday 2 July 2011

Little Fockers (2010)

Tara says: 

After watching 'Meet the Parents' and 'Meet the Fockers' and loving them.... this one didn't really stand out. I really didn't want them to ruin it and make another 'Meet the....' film. I felt this one was the weakest of the three and to be honest I'm not really sure why because the set up for the Fockers children could have been a good classic film and fit well with the other two but it didn't get the chance too. I felt that we all knew Jack and Greg a bit too much and some things the audience knew what was actually going to happen. 

It felt as though they were trying to hard to make it funnier, I didn't like Andi Garcia played by Jessica Alba, it seemed as though she didn't want anything but Greg and there was no real reason. The children were good actors BUT still they didn't really have much about them even though the title was based on them AND why are they different sizes if they are twins?! does that actually happen or is that just the director being lazy. One of the things I loved was the fact the daughter was exactly like Jack and the son was like Greg and they were twins, they shared something; which was what the main characters did. 

I suppose some moments were funny, like the stupid questions their son asked and there was some cringe moments with the injection in the bathroom (watch it to find out more). It is worth a watch but don't expect as much as you saw with the last two films.

Tara's rating: 

Reece says:

I have always been a fan of the Meet the Parents series, they have always been like a guilty pleasure. It is nice every so often to sit back and enjoy a film where the story is not complicated and enjoy the humour. I was kind of quietly looking forward to watching this so I bought it for my Mum for her birthday in the hope that when she had watched I may borrow it. This I did and when Mum gave it to me I asked ‘how was it?’ she replied ‘good’ and she was right it was just good.

Little Fockers had some truly hilarious moments in it, one particular moment that springs to mind being the fight in the ball pool. Though there were only a few stand out moments, the film appeared to be a bit desperate in humour. They took alot of the power and stance from De Niro’s character in order to add to the laughs which kind of ruined the character balance between him and Ben Stiller’s character. It was a bit disappointing that they did not use the children more often for humour in the film as the title would lead you to believe that the plot would revolve around them. Instead it revolves again around the two main male characters with Stiller’s character taking over from De Niro’s as the ‘God Focker’. To be fair this film was not the worst and was a definite recovery from Meet the Fockers which was deeply average. So all in all Little Fockers was just too bitty and all over the place and just did not focus on what it said on the tin. It was not the best in the series but not the worst so I really hope that Meet the Parents has met the end for the sake of not ruining the franchise.

Reece's rating:

Deserved 2 stars but couldn't find the picture!

Tangled (2010)

Tara says:

LOVE this film :) I laughed, I cried, I completely and utterly fell in love with the characters that I wanted to watch it over and over again. It is based on the fairytale of Rapunzel... but with a twist that starts off with a magical flower. This flower healing and making people younger, the queen one day suddenly became ill and the king goes in search for this golden flower to save his wifes life. He finds it and takes it back to the castle and use it, what they don't know is that an old witch has been using the flower to stay young and alive... The princess is born with beautiful blonde hair, and lanterns are sent into the sky in a celebration. On the eve of that night the witch goes into the castle and sings the magically spell to make her young again to the princess holding on to her hair as she does it... only to find when she cuts it it turns brown and the magic no longer works. In rage she takes the baby and flees the castle, leaving the King and Queen at a loss... every year on her birthday and the day she was taken the King and Queen send out the lanterns in hope their Daughter will find her way home.

The rest of the story is Rapunzel trying to find out who she is, with the help of some friends one being the kingdoms most wanted criminal. The witch, Gothel, Rapunzel thinks is her mother and won't let Rapunzel leave the tower she has trapped her in. Rapunzel paints the walls, cleans the tower, brushes her hair... but all the time she wants to go out and see the lanterns that fly out into the sky on her birthday. It is a very cute story with added bits of humour and when she does eventually see the lanterns I was in floods of tears because she made it. Even towards the end I had no idea what was going to happen next and I few things shocked me, but once again with every Disney film there is a perfect happily ever after :') It even made me want a little iguana ha.  

Tara's rating: 

So cute :)
Reece says:

Tangled; well it is another Disney film and I do not know how they do it but very film that Disney does seems to be gold dust. Now do not get me wrong I liked Tangled but unlike Tara I did not love it... it just kind of passed me by. For me there has not been a great Disney film since my childhood and films like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast etc etc. I have read back the piece I have just wrote and Tara’s review and I am going to watch it again before I finish this paragraph... to the TV!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Paul (2011)

Reece says:

It is 3:14am as I start to write this as I can't sleep so I apologise for any mistakes in this piece :) Anyway lets get started... Paul well some how Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have done three completely different film and just like all the others this one was epic! Who would have thought you could have written a script about two nerds a camper van and an alien. For some insane reason it worked so well, the film was hilarious with so many great unexpected jokes and also some unexpected celebrity appearances which added to the films sense of what the hell is coming next? I think I should take a second to mention Paul voiced by Seth Rogen, the character and animation were just brilliant, the take on Paul not looking like us but sounding and behaving in such a human way was a great take on extra terrestrials.

Hats off to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for writing and acting out such a great film, you get the film that being a nerd is becoming cool and well accepted in society and this film shows this well. There are some classic moments in the film that won't be forgotten like the bird scene and the comic book store scene (I am laughing now as I recollect the scenes in my mind). I did watch this film on Sky Box Office but I think tomorrow my film collection will get another addition (for any body thinking what it could be its what I have been writing about for the last 10 minutes). So this is an easy conclusion with Paul you should watch it, buy it, own it... need I say anymore? (the time is now 3:25 goodnight).

Reece's rating: 

Tara says:

Paul is a very funny film, before watching I had people telling me that it wasn't as good as the other cornetto films (tbh I don't even know where the cornetto was in this one) well anyway... they were wrong. I felt that it held its own against Shaun of the dead and Hot Fuzz as I loved them all equally as much. I loved the character Paul, as he looked like the stereotypical 'alien' he certainly wasn't one. He lived more of a human life than the rest of the main characters did, but all he wanted to do was just go home. I thought the whole storyline where he falls from the sky and lands near a little girls home, to the geeks that go in search for alien life forms on holiday in america, to him leaving in almost an 'E.T' style moment (with added humour of course) was amazing and well written. 

I felt that by them giving Paul powers to bring dead things back to life wasn't going to work, but it did very well... and I too am laughing at the bird scene (watch it to find out). His power to show everyone what the truth was too was also a clever plot line by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as the characters that didn't want to believe in Paul had to and even through his rudeness you love him as a person and really don't wan't him to die at the end.... (I'm not saying he does... or am I?) 
It really is a must see, I could watch it over and over again and not get sick of it.. Need to get it on DVD :)

Tara's rating:  

Friday 27 May 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Tara says: 

Any body who find Johnny Depp the best looking man alive will love this Pirates of the Caribbean! It has gone back to the first film where Captain Jack Sparrow is the main character, with all his humour, his funny walk and all the rum. 
This is a proper pirate film with mermaids to make it even more amazing. In this film, the pirates are looking for the fountain of youth and with characters from the last three films it was no wonder that it has been rated so highly. There was no return from Elizabeth Swan and William Turner, and I think this was one of the reasons why it was almost as good as the first PotC. There was no complicated storyline like in the last film, where I had no idea what was going on, something about the world ending... meh! This one was an easy watch and you were able just to focus one person and that was Johnny Depp. A few new characters were chucked in Angelica Malon played by Penelope Cruz and Blackbeard played by Ian McShane, these two character fitted in so well especially with the fact Angelica and Jack had a past. My favourite scene being the one where the mermaids are all swimming in to shore to attack all the pirates. I felt that it was so cleverly done and was amazing to watch how these beautiful mermaids turned so violent in a split second. 

They have definately left it open for a Pirates of the Caribbean 5... lets just hope its more about our beloved main character rather than a love scene from Will and Elizabeth. Worth a watch :)

Tara's Rating:

Reece says:

Awesome, awesome, awesome! That is how I would describe this amazing reboot of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. I was a huge fan of The Curse of the Black Pearl but was disappointed with the 2nd and did not bother to watch At Worlds End. So I went into the cinema really hoping that they could sort things out with this 4th entry in the series and they 
did. Just when you thought the game was dead and buried, in extra time Disney came back and scored a blinder with this film. On Stranger Tides did what the 2nd and 3rd instalments failed to do and that is focus on Johnny Depps incredible character that is Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow (I think there should be a captain in there some where) along with some old faces and some new reignite the Pirates of the Caribbean canon with an explosive story line and some great ideas and cast additions. Ian McShane (Black beard) and Penelope Cruz (Angelica Malon) were two really good pieces of casting making great pieces of the Pirates of the Caribbean world.

On Stranger Tides had me hooked for the whole film, making me laugh and keeping me on my toes with a good amount of action and a few creepy moments. All in all the film was well balanced with plenty of classic Captain Jack moments. I also saw the film in 3D which was in my opinion well worth it, it just gives everything that little more detail and makes you feel that little more involved in the action. All in all this is one of those rare saviours for a film franchise, making me really wanting a number 5 (please Disney... pleeeeease). Granted after a long day I fell asleep in the last 2 minutes so I missed the set up for another instalment but Tara guarantees they did :)   

Reece's rating:

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Mean Girls 2 (2011)

Tara says:
As good as the first one.... not at all! I was disappointed because the first one was so good. In this one the characters have become extremely cheesy and annoying. You even cringe and some of the lines they say. The plot wasn't exactly the best and no where near as funny apart from a few one liners which Reece laughed at, a lot more than I did. None of the original cast were in it except for the principal of the school, not that he had much to do with the film. It felt as though they were trying to hard to make it as good as the first one. The plot followed the new girl coming to the school and the 'plastics' making it difficult for her... blah blah blah! I kept comparing the cast from the first one.... Lindsey Lohan vs. Meaghan Martin. Lindsey's character playing a girl that has been home schooled by her parents whilst touring the world vs. Meaghan's character a tomboy who lives with her dad  who repairs cars?! I think thats right, well obviously wasn't paying that much attention... AND of course Rachel McAdams vs. Maiara Walsh... Rachel beating her character every time...All in all I thought it was a bad attempt at making a prequel when they could have made it amazing...

Tara's Rating: 

Reece says:
From the moment I first noticed the box in Tara's hands on the way to the checkout I could tell this film was going to be bad. I just had the feeling that watching this film was going to be a few hours of my life that I was never going to get back. These were all just pre-judgements though, so I sat there with an open mind trying and to be honest for the first time in a while my pre-judgements were... right! This film was truly tragic and does not deserve to have even a slight hold on the Mean Girls title. Now don't get me wrong I like chick flicks, the first Mean Girls was a good film but this was in a league of bad all on its own. The characters were weak, though credit where credits due the main character was well acted by Meaghan Martin, other than that the story was bad and the script was predictable. Granted I laughed a few times, though I felt ashamed at laughing at such a bad film so tried to hold it in so that Tara would not notice and be smug that I am laughing at a film I clearly don't like!

In comparison with the first one Mean Girls 2 just was not mean it was more lacklustre and half arsed. For any Mean Girls fan this film I am sure was a huge disappointment, so please no Mean Girls 3 unless they bring back the original cast and a mean script. So final verdict on Mean Girls 2 is an absolute shocker, a good film title dragged through dirt!

Reece's Rating: 

Saturday 30 April 2011

First Review: Star Trek (2009)

Reece says:
I am going to start by saying how excited I am to be starting this blog :) I really do love being with Tara so much, she is my World... love you babe, am byth! Anyway got that bit out of the way, now to let you know whether Star Trek should be respected or dejected. Well I can say that when I heard Star Trek was being rebooted the age old Trekkie inside me cringed! Now there is a but and this is the biggest but I have lobbed into a sentence for a while the film turned out to be absolutely brilliant :) Star Trek is one of the best reboots I have seen in so long, it breathed the life into a wrinkly old franchise that desperately needed a face lift.

I am sure that many die hard fans would be disappointed with the creation of an alternate reality that this take on the original series uses but I think it was genius, it allows the franchise to wander off in a new direction. Now where to start complimenting next, the story is great it was Star Wars epic with a good mix of classic Star Trekness chucked in. The CGI and new sets (especially the take on the bridge of the Enterprise) made a beautiful film to watch, it really helped to transform Star Trek from cheap Sci-Fi to a main stream blockbuster. Lets be honest who doesn't love to watch a starship be ripped to shreds in incredible realistic detail! The cast were brilliant with some really good casting and acting, I loved Simon Pegg's appearance as Scotty mainly because it's nice to see Brits in Hollywood. This film definitely left me with an urge I hadn't had for years and that was to pick up a tricorder, phaser and the keys to a starship and go warp round the universe (like the nerd I used to be).

All in all Star Trek (2009) easily relaunches Star Trek in my eyes back up to the peak of great sci-fi franchises. Star Wars and the millennium falcon watch out because the Enterprise is hot on your heels. All I can say is I know Star Trek 2 is in the pipeline... can't wait, definitely a film I'll be trekking out to watch.. verdict: damn good. 

Curious to see what Tara has to say considering she fell asleep at the end, so the last few scenes (which looked good) lacked sound due to some heavy snoring.

Reece's Rating:
Hot-Diggidy-Dog what a reboot :D

Tara says:
Okay, so this wasn't my choice of what film to watch last night, but I said I wouldn't complain until after I'd watched what ever Reece actually picked. Turns out he wanted to watch the one film that I didn't really want to watch from his collection, which was probably why he picked to watch it. Having not watched any full episode of the Star Trek series, I didn't really know what this film was going to be like... I heard people used to really follow star trek.. Trekkies were they called? and knew some weird language? and I remember constantly trying to do that thing where you separate your fingers in the middle, but failing badly. 

Anyway back to the film and the opening sequence. I had no idea who the characters were, from who died at the start to who was having a baby, so I was constantly annoying my hardcore trekkie fan boyfriend who was who, and what was actually happening because all I knew was the fact they were on a spaceship and there were people and aliens in strange jumpers. 

The film for me actually looked good when James or Jim Kirk raced a cop down a long deserted road in his dads classic car, and the fact he almost died off the edge of the cliff. Everything seemed to confuse me, like what was spock? and why couldn't they show any emotion? who were the evil people that kept killing everyone and placing black holes in worlds.... how does this fit in with the series? did trekkie fans actually like the fact Hollywood had taken their beloved series and changed it around a bit? 

There were some parts I liked, despite falling to sleep. Like seeing the actor that had played Spock his whole life make an appearance in the movie and I liked the relationship between the new Spock and Jim/James Kirk.... BUT I did fall asleep half way through the film (I think) ... maybe because I was tired or maybe because I just didn't understand the whole thing. Maybe if I watched it again I would think differently. 

Tara's Rating:
I can't speak Klingon